Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm back

I know it's been a while since I've updated this blog.  The last few months have been very busy to say the least.  To give a little update I'm now a Hoboken resident.  I know I know... ewww New Jersey.  But it's clean, has a lot to do and is only a 15 minute Path ride from the city so I'm enjoying myself.  That is it was only a 15 minute Path ride from the city, Sandy did a good job of destroying the Hoboken station and shutting it down for the last month or so but hopefully it will be up and running again soon!

Anyway, I'm back and ready to dedicate time to make this blog a valuable and fun place for people to come for Broadway information, show reviews (from me of course), updates on openings/closings and advice for cheap tickets and discounts.

Please feel free to leave comments along the way on any of my posts, let me know if there is a certain topic you want to hear about, if you agree/disagree with my reviews or if you just have a random comment.  I want this blog to be fun.  I know there is no shortage of Broadway show reviews from all of the major newspapers so I want this to be a different perspective.  Broadway from the view of a 24 year old theater lover, on a budget, trying to make it in the city.

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